
Coronavirus and employment

Reduction of working hours (“Kurzarbeitergeld”)

If your workload has suddenly decreased due to the spread of the coronarvirus, you may want to reduce your employees’ working hours to save on labour costs. There is way to do so through the so-called “Kurzarbeitergeld”. In a nutshell, what happens is that, after agreeing on a temporary reduction of working hours with the employee, you notify this to the employment agency (“Arbeitsagentur”), which will cover 60% to 67% of the employee’s salary for the hours not worked.

What you need to apply:


Submit your application
in 7 steps


with employees
on the reduction
of working hours


Keep record of worked hours

Home office

Many companies are currently faced with the challenge of re-inventing their workflow based on remote working. Home office has become a must: but how can it be implemented?

There is a whole lot to be thought about from a organisational point of view, starting with the choice of the most suitable project managing and communication tools. You can find an easy-to-read overview here.

Home office agreement

German/English template

On a legal level, we recommend to close an additional agreement with all employees working from home setting out the rules and security measures that must be observed in order to protect company equipment, assets and data.